Happy New Year! And Happy New Decade, while we're at it!
It's hard to believe that it's 2020. I can distinctly remember New Year's Eve 1999, when I was 10 years old and feeling rather grumpy about my parents waking me up at 11:55 pm to welcome in a new century, and all of a sudden here we are 20 years later! Despite the circuitous path I took to making art for a living, if you'd asked me way back then what I thought I might be doing 20 years later, I'm sure drawing pictures would be one of the options on the table (alongside a misguided dream of being a paleontologist a la Jurassic Park). So thank you to everyone of you who have helped me to get here, and allow me to continue making art every day!
Since it's a new year, we must also have new cards! I'm happy to introduce 8 new designs this month, some of which you may recognize from my foray into Inktober this past October. The new selection includes such fantastical beasties as book wyrms, meowmaids, possums and more! I hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed making them.
Wishing you a wonderful 2020!